Thursday, October 1, 2015

A Solitary Ritual Working

Cummunion is the highest goal of the Fraternity.  To be in continuous connection with our Source, All-Father, Universal Cock is what will ground man in gnosis, strengthen him in thelema and nurture him in agape.  There are many ways to be in communion.  These acts are called in sacramentals in the Fraternity.  Sacramentals can be meditation, prayer, ritual, exercise, study, sex, sleep, death, food, and many other aspects of life that help man see the Divinity in a material world of separation and unconsciousness.

The Rite of Cummunion is a sacred ritual to best express many of the magical and mythical aspects of communing with the Divine.  The ritual is broken up into three parts.  The first is the Phallus of Light (Liturgy of I) and is the preliminary liturgy of all spiritual activity.  It requires no tools or set sacred space.  The second is the Erection of the Boukolion (Liturgy of A), which must be preceded by the Phallus of Light.  The Erection of the Boukolion requires an altar, a sacred space and elemental tools.  It is used whenever a working space is needed to commune (spells, prayer shrine, etc.).  The last piece of the Rite is the Feast (Liturgy of O), which must be preceded by the Erection of the Boukolion. and is only done on specific days of honor, such as holidays or full moons.  The Feast requires a chalice of wine and a paten of bread.  These three liturgies are the basis of all Phallic rituals: 1- The connection of Self with Heaven and Earth, through Phallus, 2- The establishment of sacred space, made with the primal elements, in order to meet the Divine and 3- The Feast of Union, where the union is made and the universe is in continuing order and rightness, through symbolic partaking of Divine Flesh and Blood.  How these three objective are accomplished may be up to the practitioner and not all three parts are necessary for spiritual working.  If one simply wanted to meditate or ground before exercising, the Phallus of Light will suffice.  However if one was participating in a spell or wanted to build a shrine to a loved one, the Establishment of the Boukolion is in order.  However if one was going to "ingest" the Lord either through food, sex or other means, a feasting rite may need to be drafted.

The Phallus of Light

Step 1: Recite the Song of the Celestial Sodomite (Triphallic Hymn O)
Step 2: Narcissistic Reflections on the Elements
Step 3: The Phallic Chant (chanted in rounds of 3)


Step 4: The Light Cross
(when participating in the choreography of the Light Cross, use visualization/imagination to use the Phallic Light from above to surround yourself in magical sigils and a circle of Light).

(reaching above) Pater Priapus
(touching forehead) Bless our minds
(touching heart) and our hearts
(touching phallus) and our roots
(touching left shoulder) that we may balance absence
(touching right shoulder) along with excess
(clasping hands over the heart)  within a Temple of Love.  Ah Min!

Facing East, make the mudra of the Horned One, trace a cross in the direction (top to bottom, right to left) and make 1 1/2 spiraling circles to its center, ending with salute of blessing.

By the light freshly risen, I am cleansed, + blessed and protected in the name of IAO! (Make a triangle when chanting IAO, first on the left hip, then forehead, then the right hip.)

Draw a line from the center of the East to the center of the South.  Facing South, make the mudra of the Horned One, trace a cross in the direction (top to bottom, right to left) and make 1 1/2 spiraling circles to its center, ending with salute of blessing.

By the light highly hung, I am cleansed, + blessed and protected in the name of IAO! (Make a triangle when chanting IAO, first on the left hip, then forehead, then the right hip.)

Draw a line from the center of the South to the center of the West.  Facing West, make the mudra of the Horned One, trace a cross in the direction (top to bottom, right to left) and make 1 1/2 spiraling circles to its center, ending with salute of blessing.

By the light of setting sun, I am cleansed, + blessed and protected in the name of IAO! (Make a triangle when chanting IAO, first on the left shoulder, then the phallus, then the right shoulder.)

Draw a line from the center of the West to the center of the North.  Facing North, make the mudra of the Horned One, trace a cross in the direction (top to bottom, right to left) and make 1 1/2 spiraling circles to its center, ending with salute of blessing.

By the light of darkest night, I am cleansed, + blessed and protected in the name of IAO! (Make a triangle when chanting IAO, first on the left shoulder, then the phallus, then the right shoulder.)

Draw a line from the center of the North to the center of the East, completing the circle.

Standing cruciform:

Phallus above me,
Phallus below me,
Phallus before me.
Phallus behind me.
Phallus in my left hand,
Phallus in my right hand.
Around me shines pillars of Light
and I am penetrated by the great IAO!

In sacred space, let us recreate the sacred mysteries, let us awaken darkness with light, let us praise our Father of Life.  From the sands of Unconsciousness, the Onyx Obelisk arises.  From the Forest of Satyrs, the Mighty Oak grows.  From the Vast Open Horizon, the Sun pours fourth its Light.  God in Man, Man in God, revealed as God when Man is in Man.  Ah Min.

The Erection of the Boukolion

Facing the East, presenting the boat of incense:

Air most liberated, Spirit of Tempest and Feather, blessed are you for upon your wings are born the prayers of lovers and the songs of poets that they may chime through the Holy Boukolion of HIM. None knows from whence you come or to where you depart, but I know why you blow to and fro; the Voice of HIM is your speed, your folly and your path.  He is your Muse, you who inspire artists and creators alike.  Most blessed Wind, carry the prayers of this simple concubine before the Lord and lay them throughout his hair as a wreath of succulent blossom, that the ears of HIM may catch wind of my devotion and his delight may shine upon me today and always.

Element of Air, enter into this incense.  Cleanse it from all physical and spiritual hindrance, consecrate it by the spiritual seed of Phallus and charge it with the essence of knowledge and newness.  In the name of IAO!

Facing the South, presenting the censer of fire:

Illuminating, Blazing, Scorching, Renewing, Most Holy Fire, Born of HIM, brought forth by spirit and will and desire, you change all to whom you reach and all who reach for Thee are forever changed.  Purify me, reduce me, ignite me that I may ravish to cinders, so that all that may be left is the incorruptible within, that underneath the ashes a gem of light may be revealed and glorified as a diadem of His radiance, that phoenix may arise, setting the earth ablaze, tearing apart the gates of Hell and the corridors of Heaven simply to reach HIM for He is my passion, my light and my heart. May the fires burn until none be left but HIM and those elected collected of holy spark that together they may be free to love in ecstatic inferno.

Element of Fire, enter into this cinder.  Cleanse it from all physical and spiritual hindrance, consecrate it by the spiritual seed of Phallus and charge it with the essence of strength and desire.  In the name of IAO!

 Facing the West, presenting the font of water:

Water: Earth's most humble creature, fluid, mercurial, you flow and run to any who receives you, quenching the thirst of all who find you.  The rain that covers good and evil alike, the mystery of the dark ocean, the Wine of Fornication: in all ways, you are merciful and you are loved.  He mourns for me as I dwell in this desert, devoid of rivers flowing with love; the earth barren of verdant life bearing the fruit of His pleasure. Concubines of HIM, Holy Caravan of Sinner-Saints, tear asunder the floodgates that dam His love from me and as I wait in the dusty ravine, may I be overcome with His rapture as it cascades upon my fragile body, drowning me in the Ocean of His Eternity.

Element of Water, enter into the liquid.  Cleanse it from all physical and spiritual hindrance, consecrate it by the spiritual seed of Phallus and charge it with the essence of love and devotion.  In the name of IAO!

Facing the North, presenting the cellar of salt:

Provider of the grape, the grain and the restful shade, image of His bounty, as dangerous as is beautiful, most Holy Earth, you are the foundation of faith, hope and charity,  In the forest is the spirit of virility found, in the wolf, the panther and the stag.  You give us the bull, the beast, the body and in form, we seek only the anointing of the Formless.  May my body be strong that it may bear the trials that lie ahead in the journey.  May it be beautiful and pulchritudinous to His eye, engaging His desire and stirring His passion, that through fight and fire, blood and death, He will fight for me, to have me, to own me so that I may belong to HIM and roam with His concubines in Holy Caravan eternally.

Element of Earth, enter into this salt.  Cleanse it from all physical and spiritual hindrance, consecrate it by the spiritual seed of Phallus and charge it with the essence of prosperity and secrecy.  In the name of IAO!

Add three pinches of salt to the water, stir counter-clockwise three times.

Meilikhios, Lord of Cool Shade and Gentle Spring, you soothe the weary soul from the oppression of form.  Send forth your phallic blessing upon this suppliant and let the wine of your love flow freely over your priest, bringing peace and love into the world.  Ah Min!

Add three pinches of incense to the censer, stir the censer counter-clockwise three times.

Bakkhios, Raging Inferno of God and Wild, Strangling Vine, you smite, enlighten and liberate man's mind from ignorance.  Send forth your phallic blessing upon the devotee and let the blood of the raging bull cascade and submerge your priest bringing transformation and liberation into the world. Ah Min!

May this union of opposites,
fire and water,
light and dark,
sun and moon,
spirit and beast,
cock and orifice,
Meilikhios and Bakkhios,
cleanse this finite form,
this limited mind,
this selfish heart
from all iniquities
so this temporal shadow
may find peace and reunion
within the Light of the Infinite.

Use the water and smoke to perform acts of self-cleansing and blessing.  Facing the East, sprinkle the altar in the north-east, then the south east, then the west, three times, then circumambulate counter-clockwise, asperging the directions while saying:

Hekas, Hekas Este Bebeloi!
Cum Sancta Aqua, I banish all profane spirits, divas, thoughts and all earthly creatures that are blind to the beauty and incandescence of HIM.  May the four gates be guarded and the circle sealed tight that cummunion with out secret God shall remain forever unknown to the ignorant and the Holy Rites of Phallus be protected.  Fill with His Presence, let us drown in His essence.  In the Name of IAO!

Facing the East, incense the altar starting in the north-west, then the east, then the south-west, three times, then circumambulate clockwise, incensing the directions while saying:

Salve, Salve, Salve Homo-Deus!
Cum Sanctus Fumus, I invoke the Aquarian Star, and the inner Flame, the beauty and splendor of His Holy Radiance.  May the four gates be channels of His never-ending graces, filling this circle with virility, with gnois, with thelema and with agape.  As incense rises to the Highest Heavens to adore His sacred image, may the Holy Obelisk rise from the earth, establishing this boukolion as the Bridal Chamber of the Soul.  Under this holy canopy of stellar light, He and I become One in ecstasy and desire.  In the Name of IAO!

The Evocation of HIM

Let us prepare the Verdant Earth, the Dark Soil of the Universe, that it my be tilled by the Phallic-Plow and seeded with the stars of Heaven.

How, in the light of morning, 'round me glowests, Spring, thou beloved one!  With thousand-carying loving bliss, the sacred emotions born of thy warmth eternal press 'gainst my bosom, Thou endlessly fair one! Could I but hold thee clasp'd within mine arms?  Ah! Upon thy bosom lay I, pining, and then thy flowers, thy grass, were pressing against my heart.  Thou coolest the burning thirst in my bosom, beauteous morning breeze!  The nightingale then calls me sweetly from out the misty vale.  I come!  I come!  Whither?  Ah, wither? Up, up lies my course.  While downward the clouds are hovering, the clouds are bending to meet yearning love.  For me.  Within thine arms.  Upwards! Embraced and embracing! Upwards into thy bosom, Oh Father, All-Loving.

The response is, "Arise, enter, come, be."

In the name of IAO! Ah Min!
The Nameless One, Ancient of Days, The Lord, HIM...
The Father of our Fathers, the Companion of our Brothers...
The fixation of my mind, the longing of my heart, the fire of my loins...
The Rising Obelisk, the Hooded Pharaoh, the Desert Prince...
The Holy Icon of the Water-Mirror...
The Fiery Eagle, the Hedon-Serpent, the Sacrificial Tree...
The Great Satyr, The Holy Pan, the Sacred Centaur...
Priapus Rising, Axis-Mundi, Cosmic Cock, Man-Root...
The Glory of Man, the Will of Man, the Joy and Life of Man...

As Ganymede, favored of Gods, favored of men...
As the Light of your Image, as the Darkness of your Depth...
As heir to the Holy Caravan...
As Narcissus, a fallen star of Aquarian splendor...
As bearer of the Sacred Thyrsus, Guardian of the Phallic Mysteries...
As He who is seen by thee when gazing in the Water-Mirror...
As He who is Thee...

By the drumbeat that causes hips to sway...
By the scent of flowers in spring and the hum of bees...
By seed and bud and leaf and flower, by sun and moon and space...
By the spirit of wine and the ecstasy of lust and the need to feel...
By sweat, blood, hair and bone, by earth and fire, water and wind...
By thy hooves upon the earth and thy horns beyond the stars...
By the cocks of our fathers, who brought us to bear...
By the cocks of our brothers, with whom we are in in fraternal unity...

Insert an invocation of a specific phallic deity here.

The Feast

Come thou, O Lord,
Gentle and loving master of all,
With the warmth of life in thy ruddy cheeks
A gracious smile upon thy soft lips,
Thy head of flowing locks crowned with a wreath of juicy figs
And thy ivy-wrapped wand held high!
Before thee is set a table overflowing with bread and meats,
Heaped with piles of fruit from the vine,
And wine that flows as freely as thy maniform blessings.
Join us in the feast, O Kindly One,
And raise thy voice along with ours,
As we sing of the good things of life
And the joys that thou bringest to us

Away, away all our sorrows! Take flight depression and thou winged madness,
For He is here, Laughter-loving, all-embracing lord of life!
Lord of vines, may you arrive full of wines,
may you pour forth the sweet liquid, to be compared with nectar, and make the old pleasant,
and turned to another use, may it not lead harsh flavor to our spiteful veins.

Come to me, lost at cosmic sea, a maze of wild strength
Trapped in both mind and body, but still within your saving reach.
Come, my Master, my Lord, my priapic God,
Come into this Sacred Feast, Come within me, thy Humble Vessel;
come into this place I prepare with the sound of trumpets and drums.
May You arise with a crown of ivy and golden clusters of grapes,
and bear shaft of new green wood.
O Gentle One, may You come to this altar.
In the name of IAO! Ah Min!

He expels light cares from the heart; He brings soothing relief from distress.
He expels the agony of the heart; He bears medicine to soothe the fever of illusion.

Gold reflecting reflected Sun risen again,
My Lord, My Beloved
burning passion through my days,
My nights crowned in ivy, crowned in gold
Whirling I am both and neither.

Bacchus they call you, and Osiris, and Jesus the Christos,
born in fire, and Savior also, who alone was born of earthen and cosmic mothers.
Revered as a God within, unshorn Narcissus, joyful Frejr, The Great Satyr Pan
the Sower of Grapes, the Reaper of Souls, Lord of Nocturnal Revelries, the Bullroarer,
and by many more names:
Apollo, Orpheus, Krishna and Eros, Antinous, Shiva, Thor, Cu Chulain, and Hermes
The Mighty and Strong Priapus our vessel to knowledge.
And the innocent, perpetual virgin, perpetual concubine, the Great Ganymede
Adored for your eternal youth, a youth everlasting,
you the most beautiful among the celestial Gods high above,
to You are sacrifices made when You, with a crown of horns and feathers,
serpents and vines upon Your head, are near and lend us Your assistance.
You are the God Who Comes:
Come within this willing body.

Raising the Paten

From thy lofty station in Aquarian Celestine,
You gaze upon my naked form and love filled your heart.
But this form has no living spirit and is an unwilling slave to death.
In mercy, you paid the mortal dowry and you sacrificed your being
into the effulgence of the Sun.
From the Sun, you sacrificed your being to the wheat.
From the wheat you sacrificed your being to the scythe.
From the scythe, you sacrificed your being to the mill.
From the mill, you sacrificed your being to the fire.
In the fire, you resurrect as this bread, sweet and nourishing
Dying once again in sacred cummunion that your life may live in me.
I give praise to the Divine Beloved, who has chosen
this broken and fragile boy to be His tabernacle.
You plant your seed in fertile land so that you may grow
in strength, in passion, in wisdom, wild and divine.
In holy eucharist, I sacrifice my being in prayer and will,
so that I may live in Thee
as you have lovingly chose to live in me.

Through seven gates of death you descended that I may experience your life. In the name of HIM, my Love, my Passion, my Inspiration and Body, He who pervades all phenomenon: I consecrate this Holy Meal that it may embody the Spirit of Virility. May all those who partake of it be called to join HIM and his sinner-saints in Holy Caravan. Ah Min!. +

Raising the Chalice

From thy blessed and roving caravan, led by satyrs and concubines,
You stole a glimpse of my unabashed body and desire filled your loins
But this body bears no living spark of passion and is without a stirring knowledge.
In ecstasy at the sight of me, you tempted the moon to turn her face to your blessed light.
From the moon, you tempted the Oceans to rise.
From the Ocean, you lifted the rains into the ether.
From the rains, you seduced the vines to flower in grape
From the grape you ached for the violence of the press
From the press to the climbing aspirations of the cask
From the cask to the mystery and magic of this wine
All so that I may swim in your Sea of Pleasure,
that I may be intoxicated through the fermentation of the soul,
that I may be maddened by the elixir of your blood.
The Spirit of Narcissus has fallen upon the chalice;
The Phallus of Osiris has been dipped in the sacred Nile.
In holy eucharist, I resurrect my fallen being into the rapture of your embrace,
so that I may love in Thee
as you have lovingly chose to love in me.

Through seven portals of life you ascended that I may experience your sacrifice. In the name of HIM, my Deep, my Will, my Knowledge, my Blood, He who is bridegroom to all souls: I consecrate this Holy Drink that it may embody the Spirit of Ecstasy. May all those who partake of it be called to join HIM, brightening His Holy Tent as Novus Ganymedius, Lux Dei. Ah Min! +

Presenting Both in Cruciform:


In the Name of Zagreus, the ravaged Boy.
In the Name of Jesus, the broken Savior.
In the Name of Shiva, the Lord of Death.
Born of wind and fire, I am Man, God-Flesh, Solar-Spirit, Phallic Reed.
This is my Body, given up for you.
Communicates with the host.

In the Name of Ganymede, the Water-Bearer.
In the Name of Narcissus, the Drowned God.
In the Name of Osiris, the River Phallus.
Born of water and light, I am Man, Sacred Chalice, Soul-Mirror, Holy Icon.
This is my Blood, given up for you.
Communicates with the wine.

After receiving both, the communicant proclaims:

A time for meditation is appropriate at this time.
The ritual may be ended by giving thanks to the invoked deity of the ritual and participating in the Light Cross again.  

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