Thursday, October 1, 2015

The Four Elements

The rituals contained herein are based not only on a trinitarian divinity, but also on the tradition that the material and spiritual universe is comprised of four primary elements.  These elements make up the building blocks of all life and are reflective of various aspects of the inner self.  They could easily be understood angels or demigods of the Autogenetor (the Self-Created; if all is One in Divinity, then the gnosis of who we are is the gnosis that we are all fragments of the self-created, eternal God).

The element of Air is situated in the East to signify the rising of the morning Sun.  It represents the mind, the thought, the beginning of all creation.  It is the source of inspiration, poetry, art, music. Often associated with healing as all healing is thought to begin in the mind.  In ritual, its element is a boat of incense and its weapon is the sword.  It is represented as the spring, as youth and as the Adolescent Phallus.  It aligns to the point of "To Know" in the Witch's Pyramid.  It quantification is length.

Going clockwise, the element of Fire is invoked in the South and is respective of the noonday Sun. It represents the will, the energy and the power of the universe.  It is the our personal source of energy, power, strength and desire.  In ritual, it is represented as a censer of fire and its weapon is the wand.  It is represented as the summer, as manhood, and as the Erect Phallus.  It aligns to the point of "To Dare" in the Witch's Pyramid.  Its quantification is height.

The element of Water is invoked in the West, a direction and element that is often associated with both birth and death.  It is invoked as the setting sun and is considered the element of our emotions, devotions, and heart-flow.  In ritual, it is represented as a font of water and its weapon is the chalice.  It is reflected as the autumn, as elders and as the Resting Phallus.  It aligns to the point of "To Will" in the Witch's Pyramid.  Its quantification is depth.

The element of Earth is lastly invoked in the North, the direction of ice, snow, winter and darkness.  It is the midnight darkness, the blackness of earth and loneliness of death.  It is the aligned to the body and all things prosperity and material based.  In ritual, it is represented as a cellar of salt and its weapon is the paten.  It is the winter, the corpse and the Flaccid Phallus.  It aligns to the point of "To Be Silent" and its quantification is more.

In Latin, the elements of air, fire, water and earth are translated as flatus, ignis, aqua and terra.  As an anagram, they form the Latin word FIAT which in Latin means, "Let it be so" or "So mote it be".  When adding the quintessential element of Light (LUX), the term become FIAT LUX, meaning "Let there be light", the first words God spoke in the act of creation in the Book of Genesis.  

In opposition, the quintessential element could be Night (NOX) which is open for chaotic experience and interpretation.

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