Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Triphallic Hymn 0: The Song of the Celestial Sodomite

Oh Awesome Infinity!
Stretching and expanding, beyond time and space
Wholeness and Holeness and Holiness
Clutched by talon and in winged embrace
Praying forever that within, Phallus may bless.

For all the Universe seeks the Master’s seed
Many to bear forth many more
But the Aquarian One lives by a different creed
And serves the Lord as His Holy Whore

When Pleasure is for pleasure’s sake,
Humble servants become priestly-kings
Deep inside the sacred Hole, the Hedon-Snake
Plants his seed and spreads his wings.

And borne forth from Aquarian light
Marches on the satyrs’ parade
In radiant color and shining bright
A testimony of all the joy in what the Lord has made.

In a barren desert, a pyramid proudly stands tall,
Upon legs of sacred duties and holy desires,
Within a Pharaoh erect rules a great hall,
Where the scepter of his rule never tires.

Forever in service, the Water-Bearer be
A friend in peace, a companion in war
A banner for those who are Phallic-free
A servant, a priest, a Holy Whore.

Triphallic Hymn A: The Hymn of the Heavenly Harem

Ah! Incandescent Orgy!
Ah, we are the children of Aquarian light, men of love,
A Sacred Fraternity formed by a band of brothers,
Our Cocks root us to our Father from above,
A Phallic Unity made of men born of different Mothers.

We are the parade of satyrs, the caravan of Cock,
Prophets of Pleasure we are called to be,
Goat-herd, wolf-pack, Phallic-tribe, Faggot-flock,
Worshippers of Holy Cock are we.

We are the keepers of the Holy Rites,
Guardian of Men’s Secret Ways
Bringing to Earth Aquarian Light
Where within the souls of men may play.

Come and join the orgy, throw your clothes in the fire,
Let your Cock guide you down the dark, wooded trail,
Follow the call of your secret worship and deepest desire,
And join your brethren worshipping the Divine Male.

Whether offering upon the altar of God,
Or hunting for the chance to stab some prey,
Our devotion is given to the Holy Rod,
All praise and glory to Dicks that sway.

Within Fraternity, we offer wordless prayer,
Using only the moistness of tongue and lips,
While others commune for others with great care,
In open mouths or below awaiting hips.

Begotten to tend to Phallic Might,
Brethren to a Phallic Kin,
We ease the burdens of Man’s Plight,
By helping all find peace between holiness and sin. Ah Min!

Triphallic Hymn I: The Canticle of Cosmic Cock

I Am Omphallos
I am the Living Tree, my fruit is sweet.
The Pillar of the World, round the stars spin
I am the Hedon-Serpent whose bite men greet
I am Father, Phallus, Sovereign King. Ah Min!

I am the Light of the World, the rising and setting Sun,
Whose light within all men I penetrate
The roar of the lion, the rise of the eagle, the hart in run
The call of the Universe for the soul’s eternal mate.

Lord of the Forest, Sylvan God,
Men on bended knee do sing,
And when fed the flesh of the Holy Rod
Men proclaim Cock as King.

I am Eros’ arrows and the Huntsman’s Spear
I am Bacchus’ thyrsus and Arthur’s Sword
Ruler of the Eternal Day and Master of the Revolving Year
I am the Rising, Coming, Resting, Dying Lord.

I am the Holy Progenitor, Breeder of the Whole,
The Beginning and End of all Manifest Joy
Most expressed betwixt the body and soul
Of Bearing Mother or Devoted Boy.

Penetrating in body, heart or mind,
I seek those whose selves are made of prayer,
And when in my search, an open temple I find,
My truest glory in its darkness I do bear.

Hear the Phallic call to worship, O Men of Earth,
Know the joy your Cocks do bring,
Whether for pleasure or to bring children to birth,
Alpha and Omega, from beginning to End, all shall know that Cock is King.

The Phallic Litany

The Phallic Litany

The Nameless One, Ancient of Days, The Lord, HIM:                           Arise, enter, come, be!
The Father of our Fathers, the Companion of our Brothers:                     Arise, enter, come, be!
The fixation of my mind, the longing of my heart, the fire of my loins:    Arise, enter, come, be!
The Rising Obelisk, the Hooded Pharaoh, the Desert Prince:                  Arise, enter, come, be!
The Holy Icon of the Water-Mirror:                                                      Arise, enter, come, be!
The Fiery Eagle, the Hedon-Serpent, the Sacrificial Tree:                        Arise, enter, come, be!
The Great Satyr, the Holy Pan, the Sacred Centaur:                                Arise, enter, come, be!
Priapus Rising, Axis Mundi, Man-Root:                                                Arise, enter, come, be!
The Glory of Man, The Virility of Man, the Joy and Life of Man:         Arise, enter, come, be!

As Ganymede, favored of Gods, favored of men:                                    Arise, enter, come, be!
As the Wine of Life, the Elixir of Love, the Chalice of Ecstasy               Arise, enter, come, be!
As the Light of your Image, as the Darkness of your Depth:                   Arise, enter, come, be!
As heir to the Holy Caravan:                                                                 Arise, enter, come, be!
As Narcissus, a fallen star of Aquarian splendor:                                    Arise, enter, come, be!
As bearer of the Sacred Thyrsus, Guardian of the Phallic Mysteries:       Arise, enter, come, be!
As He who is seen by Thee when gazing in the Water-Mirror:               Arise, enter, come, be!
As He who is thee:                                                                               Arise, enter, come, be!

By the drumbeat that causes hips to sway:                                              Arise, enter, come, be!
By the scent of flowers in spring and the hum of bees:                            Arise, enter, come, be!
By seed and bud and leaf and flower, by sun and moon and space:          Arise, enter, come, be!
By the spirit of wine and the ecstasy of lust and the need to feel:             Arise, enter, come, be!
By sweat, blood, hair and bone, by earth and fire, water and wind:          Arise, enter, come, be!
By thy hooves upon the earth and thy horns beyond the stars:                Arise, enter, come, be!
By the Cocks of our Fathers who brought us to bear:                             Arise, enter, come, be!
By the Cock of our Brothers with whom we share in Fraternity:              Arise, enter, come, be!

In the name of Primus Phallus
In the name of the Divine Concubine
In the name of the Fraternal Temple:                                                     Arise, enter, come, be!
Ah Min!