Tuesday, June 2, 2015

The Benedicktions of St. Testiklies

*      Blessed are the Cock-Bearers for they wield the essence and blessing of God.
*      Blessed are the Cock-Worshipers for they are the bearers of the Lord’s Chalice.
*      Blessed are the Cock-Brethren for they are the Sinner-Saint Caravan of HIM.
*      Blessed are they who worship in solitude for they shall be the inheritors of gnosis.
*      Blessed are they who worship in tandem with the Twin for they shall be the masters of thelema.
*      Blessed are they who worship in fraternity for they shall be the stewards of agape.
*      Blessed are they who worship in the woods, under the sun, exposed to Heaven for they shall be the delight of nature.
*      Blessed are they who build Fraternity among the brethren for they shall be served in Aquarius.
*      Blessed are they who consecrate the profane for their bodies shall be deemed as sacred.
*      Blessed are they who defend the peace of others for they shall be forever guarded by Aquarian martyrs.
*      Blessed are they who dive into the waters of baptism for they shall see the face of Narcissus.
*      Blessed are they who eat the Manna-Seed plenitful and who drink deeply from Chalice of Lust for they shall taste of the good things that the Lord has made.
*      Blessed are they who participate in the Holy Mysteries for they shall be invited to His Holy Tent.
*      Blessed are those who create from the soul for they shall see their creation in the Boukolion.
*      Blessed are those who give for the sacred rites, who provide for the spiritual needs of the brethren; their generosity shall be returned many-fold.
*      Blessed are those who labor for they shall be blessed with fruit.
*      Blessed are those who fight for they shall be blessed with peace.
*      Blessed are they who dance to silent music; theirs are the movements of Divine Grace.
*      Blessed are those who liberate others; they shall be called the Mighty Hand of God.
*      Blessed are those who return blessing with blessing for they shall be known as wise.
*      Blessed are the women who bear and love the Incarnate-Man for their companionship shall be magnified in the satyrs’ parade.
*      Blessed are those who safeguard the past; the future shall be theirs.
*      Blessed are those whose wordless tongues spread the Holy Word, their lips shall flow with poetry.
*      Blessed are those who enlighten the dark, for they shall walk in Supernal Light.
*      Blessed are the youth who uplift their elders; they are the face of compasssion.
*      Blessed are the Aquarians on Earth; pray that their chalice forever overflows for all. Ah Min!

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