Tuesday, June 2, 2015

The Phallic Litany

The Phallic Litany

The Nameless One, Ancient of Days, The Lord, HIM:                           Arise, enter, come, be!
The Father of our Fathers, the Companion of our Brothers:                     Arise, enter, come, be!
The fixation of my mind, the longing of my heart, the fire of my loins:    Arise, enter, come, be!
The Rising Obelisk, the Hooded Pharaoh, the Desert Prince:                  Arise, enter, come, be!
The Holy Icon of the Water-Mirror:                                                      Arise, enter, come, be!
The Fiery Eagle, the Hedon-Serpent, the Sacrificial Tree:                        Arise, enter, come, be!
The Great Satyr, the Holy Pan, the Sacred Centaur:                                Arise, enter, come, be!
Priapus Rising, Axis Mundi, Man-Root:                                                Arise, enter, come, be!
The Glory of Man, The Virility of Man, the Joy and Life of Man:         Arise, enter, come, be!

As Ganymede, favored of Gods, favored of men:                                    Arise, enter, come, be!
As the Wine of Life, the Elixir of Love, the Chalice of Ecstasy               Arise, enter, come, be!
As the Light of your Image, as the Darkness of your Depth:                   Arise, enter, come, be!
As heir to the Holy Caravan:                                                                 Arise, enter, come, be!
As Narcissus, a fallen star of Aquarian splendor:                                    Arise, enter, come, be!
As bearer of the Sacred Thyrsus, Guardian of the Phallic Mysteries:       Arise, enter, come, be!
As He who is seen by Thee when gazing in the Water-Mirror:               Arise, enter, come, be!
As He who is thee:                                                                               Arise, enter, come, be!

By the drumbeat that causes hips to sway:                                              Arise, enter, come, be!
By the scent of flowers in spring and the hum of bees:                            Arise, enter, come, be!
By seed and bud and leaf and flower, by sun and moon and space:          Arise, enter, come, be!
By the spirit of wine and the ecstasy of lust and the need to feel:             Arise, enter, come, be!
By sweat, blood, hair and bone, by earth and fire, water and wind:          Arise, enter, come, be!
By thy hooves upon the earth and thy horns beyond the stars:                Arise, enter, come, be!
By the Cocks of our Fathers who brought us to bear:                             Arise, enter, come, be!
By the Cock of our Brothers with whom we share in Fraternity:              Arise, enter, come, be!

In the name of Primus Phallus
In the name of the Divine Concubine
In the name of the Fraternal Temple:                                                     Arise, enter, come, be!
Ah Min!

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